Saturday, November 04, 2006

walk, walk for the children

Today was a wonderful day for a brisk walk, though it wasn't brisk per say. It was 5 miles all in all for Cincinnati Children's Hospital. It was enjoyable because friends like V, K and of course MG were there. A month ago I donated money to the fund raiser through A's email and didn't think much of it. Thereafter I received a pleasant email from MG asking for a donation and/or to walk for the event. The email was very inspiring as anything that MG is involved in usually is, so I decided to walk. I asked K and as always she was a good sport, as per V and the husband they were hard to convince. I had to guilt trip V into coming and he agreed. The husband was planning to come and "support" the walkers by standing on the sidelines. When he realized he would be the only one, he reconsidered. Thankfully the weather was also nice for a November weekend. Chilly at first but we all warmed up from the walking and the sun came out. We walked 5 miles, ate pizza, munched on some cookies and socialized. I had a great time and will plan to do it again next year, maybe. I have a feeling both the husband and I (as well as everyone else) will be sore tomorrow due to the lack of exercise in our daily routine. Regardless it was well worth it.

We met MG's mom that's visiting from the Philippines. She's tinier than MG if that's possible but has a big personality. MG's planning a dinner for Friday so it'll be fun to spend some one on one time with her.

After the walk, I came home and crashed. E and I were planning to go clothes shopping but D took her mattress shopping. (uhh, who does that on a saturday?) I napped for 3 hours and felt refreshed. We just finished Monster-in-law, the movie; don't watch it! I expected it to be a so-so movie because it didn't have great reviews but I still had a dash of hope. Next movie will be Mr. and Mrs. Smith (one of those other movies that I don't care to see but since the husband brought it, I won't complain).

For now it's time to get some food ready for the table and our hungry bellies.



Today I decided to start going for morning walk as adviced by Ortho.Surgeon, got up early in the morning at 5.00 a.m. and instead of walking here I am , surfing.

liberal foodie said...

walking's such a great excercise and a good way to get out and enjoy the nature. let me know how it keeps up.